Frequently asked questions
Q: What is the benefit to studying in the States?
A: There are many, but the most obvious one is flexibility. Students can declare any major (regardless of A-levels or high school grades) and can change majors at any time, with the proper prerequisites. When you change your major, you will not lose credits that they have already earned. Additionally, you can take classes outside of your chosen field. Most every university allows for ‘open electives’ where students can explore an interest. If you are studying Spanish, it is perfectly acceptable to take an astronomy class and earn credit.
Q: How long will the degree take?
A: Most U.S. university degrees take 4 years to complete. If you have IB credit, this may take only take 3 years.
Q: Are degrees from U.S. institutions widely accepted and accredited?
A: Certainly every University that Mayflower works is accredited and generally yes, U.S. degrees are accepted all over the world as a very good or excellent undergraduate or graduate degree. Naturally, the institution plays a role here.
Q. How do I find the best University for me?
A. Well, Mayflower can help you with this, but generally, you must consider what you want to study and what the best environment for you is to learn. There are thousands of excellent institutions in the U.S. who would like to welcome you to campus.
Q. Will there be people to answer my questions once I get there?
A. Yes, and this is another advantage to the U.S. institutions. The University staff is trained to help you every step of the way. Professors are required to have open office hours at some during the week, and many live on campus. Additionally, the IT systems are more advanced than in the U.K. Grades, schedules, class times, assignments and even chat with your faculty member are all done online. Residence selection, tuition payments and many other aspects of college life are all done through the student web system. Wireless is often campus-wide. There is very little waiting in a queue on an American campus.
Q. What’s it like to be so far from home.
A. Both scary and exciting, to be honest. International students are often overwhelmed at the beginning by the community feel of a US or Canadian university. An interesting accent is often a key to one’s rock star status. But in the end, work and learning become the focus of everyday life and students must manage their own time. There is always a helpful face nearby, at the International student or academic support office, but students may miss their favourite food or local traditions. However, this feeling usually subsides as time passes and the university becomes your new home.